We’re diving deep into your alignment in your business in Being In Business. This program is the foundational work I’ve taken myself through to build a rapidly expanding 7 figure business that nourishes my life instead of depletes it. I was never interested in chasing the money just for the money. It always HAD to come in alignment with my Being. As the embodied expression of… My Soul. My Purpose. My HeArt. I don’t want one without the other. I’m here for evolution and expansion and expression in ALL areas of life, including my business.
Alignment > Algorithm. My vanity metrics (likes/views/comments/etc.) on IG have consistently gone down over the past year, while my sales (the real metrics of a business) have consistently gone up.
…like 1/4 engagement on my posts now versus a year ago… while my revenue has 4x over the past year. I have only posted around 1x/month on my feed. I show up on stories most days. I haven’t made sales on any other platforms this year. Zero email or Facebook marketing. Instagram has been my bread and butter. (We’re expanding in 2023 lol it’s way overdue, but it’s worth noting in this conversation because this platform is where I have been exclusively selling over this period of time.) This online business game is so much simpler than most make it seem. You don’t need layered strategies to sell. You don’t need to have a ton of followers or post all the time (posting just to post because you’re “supposed to” is not the vibe). You just need to have something of value to offer, and be seen and felt as you share whatever it is you are offering.
Quality > Quantity. Be the living breathing embodiment of that which you offer and let people see and feel you. Such that… even when there are less people looking, there are just as many buying. It’s not a numbers game in the way so many people think it is.
Instagram post here