(I’m speaking to true desire here, not fleeting superficial passing wants.) I believe there are a lot of reasons I don’t have what I want. I believe there are a lot of choices to be made, things to be learned, actions to be taken in order to have what I want.
I believe I will need to be patient and humble and tenacious in my journey of creating what I want. I believe I will need to trust, listen, and be flexible on the path of creating what I want… and in doing so… sometimes what I want may change as I do. But I Am always on the path to what l want and just need to keep moving in that direction until I get there. And am therefore always in the process of already getting what I want. Even when it seems far away. So l don’t just believe I can, I know it’s inevitable.
Call me delusional. Or call me brilliant. Either way, you’re right. And either way, I’ll still be out here believing in my dreams and desires and Becoming The One Who brings them to life.
Wanting it isn’t enough to always have it. But having it always begins with belief. This is about empowering creative vision, not entitlement. 😘
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