As I told him he interrupted me and looked at me with an “are you ok?” stare 🤣 and said… “That’s not double the work, that’s exponential. Fuck you must be exhausted. And you speak about it with such grace and love. I’m sorry but also so impressed.”
His response stopped me in my tracks. I didn’t even realize how much work it has been because I’ve just been… in it. In his reflection I had a moment to really see myself. And I loved what I was seeing. 🪞 (where are my CLEAR MIRROR humans at?)
I laughed and shrugged, “It is intense but I know I have a choice in how I meet the intensity so that’s what I focus on every day. Choosing ~ease~ even when it’s not easy. Again and again and again.”
(Y’all remember the Masterclass I taught last year before my twin pregnancy adventure?? EASE. Forever the vibe.)
Here’s what I know to be most true about life.
It’s not easy for anyone.
But we get to choose our hard.
And. Most importantly, to me.
We get to choose how we relate to our hard.
We get to choose what we highlight and emphasize, the narrative we spin about about our circumstances, and who we be / become through everything we walk through in life.
We get to get creative AF with how we craft our reality.
Reality is not what happens to us, but what we see & create of what happens.
Creative choice. In everything. Always.
Even when, *especially when*, it’s not easy.
You. Can. Choose. Ease.
>This is your power.<
How do you exercise & embody creative choice?
Self Mastery. Living in masterful relationship with Self. Which is masterful relationship with reality. Because reality = your perception of it.
(My OG, signature course Subconscious Self Mastery is forever the vibe here.)
With conviction & confidence. So much so that… people will call you delusional.
(Hello, DELULU.)
My entire life is built upon the embodiment of this.
My entire body of work is built upon the embodiment of this.
Creative Choice as the pathway to true freedom. Before & beyond time & $$$ freedom. It All begins within.
This is intentional, heArt-driven, life (& motherhood & biz & errything) design.
Instagram post here