Empowered intimate relationships, wild success in your business, more abundance and joy and life force energy than you once imagined possible.
Actually… trying to do that will set you on a wild goose chase of healing, wondering why actual change in your life feels hard and slow. What got you to Good won’t get you to Great. Read the caption for what will.
I’ve worked with a lot of self aware badass entrepreneurs who think their open wounds are *still the reason* they aren’t manifesting the next level of what they want or embodying the next level of who they want to be. 🥴
Tbh, makes sense since there’s a lot of messaging around this online. Mostly from people who… also aren’t really manifesting the next level of what they want or embodying who they want to be yet. 🪞
While it can be true that your wounds can be “blocks” to getting what you want, this is ***only true*** in areas you are not aware of who you are being or what is driving you to be/do what you are.
This is not true for self aware humans who are deepening and expanding their awareness (consciousness) as they do epic shit in life.
🪞🪞🪞 What the people who are focusing on “you must heal this wound to unblock what you want in life” are unconsciously telling you is…
*I’ve gone from being completely unconscious and making change in my life by looking at my unconscious and how my wounds/triggers were controlling my life. And now I believe that’s what’s going to get me to the next level too. So I’m telling you that’s what’s going to get you to the next level!!! Without considering that it’s clearly not working for me.*
Your next level requires something entirely different.
While you will certainly become less wounded and triggered by continuing to look at your unconscious wounds and triggers, let’s be real, humans be out here humaning and that never goes away.
Your relationships to your wounds and triggers just gets lighter and you get better at navigating them.
Y’all know I am all about healing your wounds, becoming aware of your triggers, creating a new reality by alchemizing them. Literally what I stand for with everything I am. I put everything on the line to stand for this when I started this business.
But HOW you do the work is the real work.
^^^Really getting this is what will take you to the next level of manifestation and embodiment.
Stay tuned for my post tomorrow for more 🧃. 😉 And if you really want to dive into this… my course Subconscious Self Mastery is the 🐐.
Instagram post here