Even the simplest business model will drain and deplete you if it goes against your embodiment.
Here’s what I know to be true as a mama who had 3 babies in 13 months while holding and growing my business…
As a mama who showed up powerfully for my work in the world while bed ridden and hospitalized for 6 months, then with newborn twins and a 1 year old boy at home (the most insane experience of my life 🤣)
As a mama who squeezed work in during naps and after they went to bed and wherever I could when I would have loved nothing more than to sleep or read a book or stare at the ceiling… BECAUSE I valued being with them first.
As a woman who worked very hard while navigating the hardest year of her adult life (pregnancy health crises + big personal happenings + death in my family + husband in a mega career transition + insane medical bills + more) without feeling victimized by my business or life circumstances or any of it… without giving into very real excuses or limitations I could have chosen… while doing deep AF generational healing work on myself and showing up expansively for clients and work…
In Grace and Ease
When it wasn’t easy
Leaving others asking, How?
And some projecting their limitations and how they would handle things onto me… calling me bypassy because they haven’t accessed and can’t understand the depths required to Be this woman or hold this life and business.
Working hard isn’t hard… unless you’re doing work that drains and depletes you instead of nourishing and replenishing you.
At my lowest of lows, I can turn to my business to revitalize me. Not because I’m a workaholic or using work to bury my feelings. I feeeeeel them big. And. My work is my passion and purpose
I have been RUTHLESS over the past ~7 years about making sure that every single offering, strategy, etc. I choose is run through my embodiment. Is this a fit for ME? For what I feel uniquely called to bring? For how I feel uniquely called to bring it? For not only what I want to create in the world for others… but in a way I actually want to create it. For what I want to create in the world for me.
Giving from havingness and overflow and alignment hits different. For you and for the sustainability of your business during the storms of life.
Instagram post here