Most deep heArted, spiritually connected humans who also have big ambition and material dreams limit their growth by either:
Overly protecting your heArt in the name of holding high standards/boundaries
Assuming you will be projected on and villainized for who you are by other people who don’t get you and living in a state of protection that you’ve cutely rebranded as power, staying rigid and reactive in relational dynamics all in the name of not taking on another person’s wounding… when in actually… you’ve completely taken their wounding on by trying to protect yourself from it.
Keeping your standards low and boundaries loose because it’s “kind” or you don’t want to be cold heArted.
Meanwhile neglecting what you want for what somebody else wants, playing into someone else’s wounded shit you wouldn’t ever play into on your own, letting your psychic-emotional-spiritual space be clouded and your energetic capacity capped so you aren’t able to actually Be-Do-Have the highest octave of what you want.
Holding both looks like:
Walking through the world with an open heArt, deep connection to Self & spirit, clear on what you want and what you’re willing to play into and what you aren’t, standards that support what you want, firm boundaries around those standards… that are warm *because that’s who you are* as you hold them not because you’re bending yourself for someone else, daily action that is in true alignment with your big ambition because you aren’t constantly clouded with other people’s wants opinions perceptions projections.
Knowing who you are and creating what you want, getting what you want, even as you navigate other humans’ shit (which you inevitably will if you play big) because you are so rooted in your own embodiment of
Deep Heart, High Standards.
Being a woman who is so radically honest with and responsible for your Self… who has taken the time and space to get to know your subconscious shit so you don’t put that out on others/Life… and because you have done this… is able to easily see where others are putting theirs on you. And it actually has nothing to do with you.
It’s giving, Subconscious Self Mastery szn vibes. 😉
Instagram post here