The Blog

I quality my ideal client by how grounded and emotionally intelligent and committed she is to the truth of her heArt.

I don’t qualily my ideal client by how much money she makes or where she is at on her entrepreneurial journey…

Wealthy Well-Being (Well-th)

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Most people speak about trauma as if it’s a thing that happens to you. It’s not.

The most traumatic year of my adult life didn’t traumatize me. Here’s why…

Self Mastery and Embodiment

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Or do you need to actually apply and embody what you’ve already learned?

Do you need to learn more to get to your next level of life/business…

Self Mastery and Embodiment

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Want the results, care abour them, believe in them with all your heArt, show up with all you’ve got to work for them.

The smartest thing you can do while building a heArt-driven business is taking the pressure off of your results.

Wealthy Well-Being (Well-th)

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Your relationship to your triggers is the real work. Your relationship to relationships, your relationship to life, your relationship to business, your relationship to the work… is the real work.

Your relationship to your wounds is the real work.

Self Mastery and Embodiment

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And there are times when vulnerability = connecting in power, joy, creativity, a compelling vision of the future, lived Now.

There are times when vulnerability = connecting in wounds, traumas, fears, pain…

Self Mastery and Embodiment

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No achievements or money has come close to generating the feeling of abundance and aliveness that the quality relationships in my life create.

Becoming Rich in deep, safe, honest, bring-it-all, show-up-big Love is the best thing I have done with my life.

Empowered Relationships

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Trying to prove that you matter, that you’re important, that you belong, etc…

Most entrepreneurs are unconsciously looking to their business to heal their wounds.

Wealthy Well-Being (Well-th)

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