(((My fellow multidimensional multipassionate femme creatives knooooow))). To dilute my essence and my teachings to try to make them “make sense”.
Make sense to who?
To the marketers … who aren’t my ideal client and don’t actually understand the depths and nuance that my ideal client does? 😉
^^^ this was a huge breakthrough in my early business days. After investing big in a biz coach (clearing my savings account, betting on my dream) who I loved as a human but the way he taught the work always left me feeling dry and uninspired and small and… misunderstood.
In 2019 I ended that container right before a big launch I had invested so much in building for months, trashed the launch and offering alltogether, ditched the niche, took a break from all biz / marketing coaches, and just WENT FOR IT. Focusing on Energetics and Embodiment and authentic self expression and audacious self trust. Never looking back again.
From that space, my signature program SSM was born. Not because his way was wrong and mine was right but because I freed myself from the belief it had to be done a certain way and let my creativity rrripppp.
By 2020 my business was blooming. And has grown 300-800% every single year.
In a way that has felt and continues to feel like more life-force in my body, not less.
I’ve designed a business and brand that feels like… me.
So it’s easy to show up.
To pour over.
To go bigger and bolder.
To refine strategically and practically with laser precision… to see my blindspots and meet my edges and grow in uncomfortable ways… in service of the work.
To leap and leap and leap of faith into another level again and again and again.
Because it’s my work of heArt. My soul’s musing. In form.
I have no plan B.
There’s literally nothing else I can imagine doing.
Because this is who I Be.
Which makes business… simple.
So much simpler than most realize as they search for the secrets to success or the magic strategy to leap them 20 steps ahead of where they are meanwhile they aren’t willing to do the work that’s right in front of them that would move them 20 steps ahead 🫠
Let it burn & choose again.
Instagram post here