I know that you know this consciously… but let’s talk about this weeeeird unconscious thing that happens particularly in the online space where people expect to just, like… make a million bucks with the snap of a finger… because they paid for a course or a mentor?
They come into a container with wonky ass (unconscious) expectations (projections)
Then get saaaaalty (and very blamey) when it doesn’t work out that way
I’ve seen this play out in some wild ways.
Investing isn’t enough. Learning isn’t enough. “Getting in the room” isn’t enough.
It’s what you DO with your investment, with what you’ve learned. Who you choose to Become AFTER taking the big brave leap and learning a thing or two. After you get in the room. The meaning you make while in the room and actions you take as a result of your new embodiment. Not just “I’m here! Gimme da money!” Lolz
The leap and the learning is just the beginning… it’s how you leverage the leap and learning that creates quantum results.
And when you’re a person who will leverage anything and everything… like, I’ll use what I learned in a $100 masterclass and make $10k… even if it’s just one nugget I got or even when I leave the masterclass with a taste of meh left in my mouth and my leverage is – now I know how I don’t want to do it. 😉
Become THAT person and you’ll always buy your success. Tehehehe oops I contradicted myself.
Instagram post here