The Blog

<< what the first 6 weeks of motherhood landed in my field, embodied in my Being more deeply than ever before.

Presence. Patience. Power. Purpose.

Wealthy Well-Being (Well-th)

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We’ve been living in the newborn bubble this week…

One week with Wes.

Wealthy Well-Being (Well-th)

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The year of becoming a mother—full of all the initiations and inner deaths/rebirths that entails. Baby Boy has already taught me so much.

2022 has been a year of collapsed timelines & unreasonable growth in my world.

Wealthy Well-Being (Well-th)

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10+ years of navigating the active dis-ease, trauma, tragedy that consumed my mother’s life.

Rewriting the greatest story of my life this Mother’s Day…

Empowered Relationships

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No achievements have come close to generating the feeling of abundance that the relationships in my life generate.

Becoming Rich in deep, safe, vulnerable connection and community is the wealthiest thing I have done with my life.

Empowered Relationships

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