The Blog

Building a business from the ambitions of my heArt, the callings of my soul; that feels like freedom and purpose and creativity.

I started my business for the love of the service I wanted to provide and along the way I fell in love with the art of heArt-driven business.

Wealthy Well-Being (Well-th)

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Or… might it be more productive to use those 20 mins to actually do something that would shift your reality from scarcity to abundance.

Do you really need to do another 20min breathwork practice to shift your feeling from scarcity to abundance…

Wealthy Well-Being (Well-th)

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You say you’re a heart-led leader… but you lose all compassion and empathy for another human when…

Heart-Led Business (shadow work edition)

Wealthy Well-Being (Well-th)

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Something I’ve observed in both my legal career and through working with many, many, many entrepreneurs as a mentor is…

The quality & sustainability of your relationships = the quality & sustainability of your business

heArt-Driven Entrepreneurship

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Have you noticed how certain modalities will “trend” as THE ONE for periods of time… until…

Which healing modality is THE ONE?

Self Mastery and Embodiment

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I created soul-nourishing intimacy & loving safe relationships, built a business that feels like freedom…

My entire life became a dream

Self Mastery and Embodiment

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from a place of overflow of gifts to share rather than from a place of trying to prove or validate your worth

The feeeeel when you know you’ve lived into the design of a multi 7 fig biz in true heArt alignment & authenticity…

Wealthy Well-Being (Well-th)

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