The Blog

as a mirror to your psyche, soma, heArt & soul… as one of the greatest portals for personal development.

I see entrepreneurship as a microcosm of the macrocosm of Life…

Wealthy Well-Being (Well-th)

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The way I mother… was not modeled to me as a child. The way I relate to my husband… was not modeled to me.

I’ve designed my life with so much awareness and intention. Every aspect of it.

Self Mastery and Embodiment

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An invitation into Creative Choice.

My work is…

Wealthy Well-Being (Well-th)

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— thinking you’re in mastery of something because you intellectually grasp a concept of it.

The biggest trap door for people who have learned a lot about personal growth / healing is

Self Mastery and Embodiment

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Not because I don’t feel your pain or fear, not because I don’t “get” it or am not trauma informed.

I don’t play into or validate your limitations.

Self Mastery and Embodiment

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Unclear if babies would survive. Concern for mom’s safety too. Husband holding down the fort like a champ.

2023. Surprise twin pregnancy. Surgeries. Hospital stays.

Self Mastery and Embodiment

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Long before entrepreneurship, the version of me who learned how to snowboard at 19 then 3 weeks later moved to Colorado and joined a snowboard team…

All about that DELULU life. Have been for as long as I can remember.

Wealthy Well-Being (Well-th)

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One of my fave parts about him is how many wild lives he’s lived

My husband used to be in the circus

Wealthy Well-Being (Well-th)

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if you’re stressed, depleted, drained, unhappy, lonely, misaligned as you generate them.

I don’t give a FFFUUUUUUCK about your biz results or financial wins…

Wealthy Well-Being (Well-th)

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