One of my clients made $870k in her business the year before she came to me, unhappy, overwhelmed, and afraid…
There’s the game of business that requires you to sacrifice your well-being in pursuit of material success… and then there’s the game of business that deeply fulfills and frees you *while* you build material success.
Your belief in yourself and in what you’re building, your emotional intelligence that allows you to learn and grow strategically, your embodied knowing of and conviction in who you are…
The least sexy part of being a big heArted human who has big dreams and grows rapidly in alignment with those dreams is that not everything or everyone will grow with you.
Strategy is your vehicle. Pick a smart one. But never forget that you are The One driving it.
When the “social media is fake, here’s what I hide from you” trend was going around The ‘Gram I couldn’t help but wonder…
So you can sleep in and go to Pilates midday and travel and go to healing retreats and live a life of leisure while feeling very on purpose and service driven…
You are out here (consciously or unconsciously) looking for THE hack to your next level of success…
Even the simplest business model will drain and deplete you if it goes against your embodiment.