Just as much as it is revealed by the thoughts you think, the feelings you feel, the words you say, the actions you take (or don’t take).
A man who is as deeply spiritual, wise, present, and tender as he is wildly ambitious and driven…
Embodying = Being the living expression of something intangible, making it tangible; thinking-feeling-speaking-acting in alignment with information/ energy until it becomes form.
It took me over a decade of deep healing, spiritual exploration, and personal growth to get the courage to Be who I am and go for what I want in Life.
Most deep heArted, spiritually connected humans who also have big ambition and material dreams limit their growth by either:
Your life is not Defined by what happens to you, but rather Designed by what you make of every happening. -Bryanna Dee
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Your life is not Defined by what happens to you, but rather Designed by what you make of every happening. -Bryanna Dee
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