The Blog

Believing you need to “feel safe enough” to Be/Do/Have more becomes your biggest limitation.

There comes a time in your personal growth/ embodiment/emotional intelligence journey where:

Self Mastery and Embodiment

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Just as much as it is revealed by the thoughts you think, the feelings you feel, the words you say, the actions you take (or don’t take).

Your subconscious is revealed by the people you hang out with, the places you frequent, the things you surround yourself with, the food you eat, and more…

Self Mastery and Embodiment

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A man who is as deeply spiritual, wise, present, and tender as he is wildly ambitious and driven…

I met my match in you.

Self Mastery and Embodiment

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Embodying = Being the living expression of something intangible, making it tangible; thinking-feeling-speaking-acting in alignment with information/ energy until it becomes form.

You are always embodying either: Subconscious Programming or… Conscious Choice.

Self Mastery and Embodiment

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